Evan Abrams takes a look at how to create a popular “tilt shift” look to footage using After Effects. Check out the tutorial for How to Fake Tilt Shift Photography in After Effects here.

EC Abrams writes: So you want to make tilt shift video but don’t own a tilt shift lens? What a coincidence neither do I but I don’t let it get to me. Here’s is how to fake it till you make it, and by make it I mean go to a thrift store and get an outdated piece of camera technology… or buy a lensbaby, that’s a thing too. Anyway tilt shift, aka tiny town, or tiny toy effect is about messing with the focal plane for strange results. It makes a normal city look like miniatures and really robs the life and detail from a shot in ways some people find appealing. Don’t ask me who, I don’t know them.