Marco Giordano shows how to set up a wire deformer in Maya for rigging a character’s jaw expanding on his previous Maya wire deformer tutorials.

Marco Giordano writes: i highly recommand to have a good understanding of maya rigging before watching this tutorial ) Hello everyone in this quick tutorial I’ m showing how to set up a wire deformer for a jaw. Since I used the same tecnique I explained before in other tutorials and then customized more , I did not go over again on the “old” stuff , so I highly suggest to watch the other tutorials about the wire deformer,which they can be found on my channel here on vimeo. Enjoy

EDIT: Later on I figured out parent constraint doesn’t always give the wanted behaveior if there is more then one controll between the parents so I switched to a node set up that can be explained with this expression :
(I’m a fan of maya nodes over the expressions so use nodes! :P)
child.tx = (parent1.tx*0.33 + parent2.tx*0.66);
in case you used my script and scaled the controller to fit the rig . there is an attribute called “controllerInfluence ” on the main controller group that scale or reduce the influence of the controllers on the wire deformer .
So if you scaled you controller you need to fix the expression like that
child.tx = (parent1.tx*0.33 + parent2.tx*0.66)*controllerInfluence ;
and you need to make same expression in order to work for ty and tz.
Hope it helps