Kevin P McAuliffe looks at how to import 3D models into After EFfects by way of the photoshop 3D file format. 3D Models can then be imported into After Effects and animated with cameras and be affected by lights in After Effects. Check out the Using 3D Models in After Effects Via Photoshop 3D Format Tutorial here.

Kevin P McAuliffe writes: Most people think that the only way to work with real extruded 3D elements or 3D models inside of After Effects, is by purchasing a 3rd-Party Plug-in. Well, that’s just not the case. In this tutorial, Kevin P McAuliffe show’s you how, with a little help from Adobe’s Photoshop, you can import and work with .3DS models inside of Adobe’s After Effects, and have the model be effected by the 3D cameras in your compositions.