It wasn’t long before Sébastien Perier’s script for importing Adobe Story screenplays into After Effects expanded to importing Final Draft Screenplays. Here, Sébastien demonstrates the process for bringing in Final Draft material into After Effects showing off the new functionality of Story Boarding for After Effects.

in this quick tutorial we’ll see how to import a Final Draft screenplay inside an After Effects project to create a rought cut using the Story Boarding script

Initially, Story Boarding only converted Screenplays from Adobe Story, adding final Draft support soon after, and near the end of the tutorial, Sébastien also shows some work with material written in Fade In Pro.

Story Boarding is $49.99, but, you are able to pick it up for $39.98 until June 16, 2013. Find out more on the Story Board Script for After Effects over at AEScripts here.