Based on the Lattice Modifier in 3DS Max, Mat Clark developed The Lattice Tool for Maya which will work on any polygonal object providing a control object and a simple user interface to create polygon lattices based on the initial translation and rotation of the control object.

Create and modify lattice meshes from a base object

Mat notes that the Lattice Tool for Maya works by beveling the original object, extruding that bevel and deletes the original faces.
Simply select a polygon mesh and run the script to create a polygonal lattice around the selected shape.

The Refresh button allows you to modify the components of your original object, or even add to it with extrusions, and have the lattice modify and update to those changes.

You are also able to add nodal spheres to the corners of the lattice geometry for that molecular “stick and ball” look, and the script will organize the geometry into groups in the outliner for a manageable list.

The Lattice Tool for Maya is available as freeware here, and can create some interesting scenes pretty quickly.