A little over a month since its initial beta announcement, the Contours Retopology Tool, offering an intuitive stroke based workflow for retopologizing models in Blender designed and developed by Jonathan Williamson and Patrick Moore, sees its release as version 1.0.

The Contours Retopology tool, also known as Contours, is an addon for Blender that provides quick and easy ways retopologize cylindrical forms

Contours will allow you to draw perpendicular strokes on the base mesh that, as the name suggests, will define the contour of the shape. drawing two strokes will preview exactly where and how the new polygons will look once they are created. Strokes can be drawn in any direction and order, making retopology a snap.

To learn more about Contours Retopology tool for blender, visit the site here – Countours is currently being offered at $35.00.