Form and Color from Curiositywin

Form and Color from Curiositywin on Vimeo.

The music is Utopia Part 2 by Dexter Britain. Here is a link:
This is the full video that was previewed not too long ago! Enjoy!

If you are interested in making fractals:
I used Fractal Architect 2 to make the keyframes and then render out every frame. This is available on the mac app store and cost $24. If you use a pc or want a free application then you can use apophysis 7x. I used this application before I had FA2 and it's really good but you will need to know how to make scripts if you want to animate your fractals. Also, if you use a mac, you will need to know how to wine apophysis 7x since it is a pc application. The video was made on Final Cut.