Sardi Pax offers a walkthrough for creating and animating a popup book in Blender which uses Blender’s Armatures rigging to set the book’s motion. This is a really simple setup, a lot easier than you might think, making clever use of the bones to unfold the pages of the popup book. Most of the folding motion is actually generated by rotating some of the bones in the rig.

In this tutorial I demonstrate how to create an animated Pop-Up Book effect using an ArmatureSardi Pax

Sardi shows how to build the simple book with some simple textures and then quickly rig it for animation, setting control surfaces for easy animation. If you are looking into getting started with rigging in blender, this is a great way to do it -with a small manageable project like this that is easy to follow along with.

Going Further, Rigging in Blender

If you want to dive into something a little more complex in terms of rigging, Lee Salvemini posted a great tutorial for BlenderGuru that was An introduction that covered the basics of creating a character rig in Blender. Also of note is Porter Nielsen shared his tips and tricks for getting models ready for use in a game engine – looking at skinning, rigging and animation all in Blender.