Konstantin Magnus explores some clever and strategic ways to create selections in Cinema 4D, specifically polygon selections.

A quick run through clever ways of using the various selection tools across points, edges and polygons

Modeling can be a bit of a chore, if you are not used to the bits that come along with it, namely, making selections. You need to be able to select what you want to affect in your modeling workflow, in any application, not just C4D.

You should be thinking of keeping our faces, edges and vert count low when you take on any modeling project. It is easier to manage and keep track of 5 faces rather than 5000. However, there are going to be times when you will have to contend with more faces than you would like. This is where Konstantin has a look at being strategic about how you create your selections in Cinema 4D. this can immensely help with your modeling times.