Projects include:
Meine allerschmlimste Freundin (2015)
Maya the Bee Movie (2014)
Wolfblood (2014)
Tarzan 3D (2013)

Software: Maya, Katana
Renderer: Renderman, Arnold, Vray, Mental Ray

For TD videos, check complete video here:

Audi – Personal Project – Maya and Arnold

* modeling of vehicle
* modelling sport kit add-on
* modeling environment
* layout
* shading of envrionment
* shading of vehicle, except carpaint
* HDR lighting and traditonal lighting

Meine allerschlimmste Freundin – Trixter – Katana and Renderman
* lookdev of dress, whiskey glass, sub-skin
* HDR matching and lighting
* additional lighting
* matching reference spheres for exact lighting conditions
* placing highlights
* shadow matching
* pre-comp for comp artist

Tarzan 3d – Ambient Entertainment – Maya and MentalRay
* HDR lighting
* stylized traditional lighting
* environment and character lighting

Wolfblood – Trixter – Katana and Renderman
* matching reference spheres for hdr
* HDR lighting
* traditional lighting
* shadow matching

Maya the Bee (Lighting) – MARK13 – Maya and Arnold
* HDR lighting
* traditional lighting
* lookdev of pollen ball
* lookdev of character skin maya
* pre comp
* character and environment lighting

Maya the Bee (TD) – MARK13 – Maya and Arnold
* Development of Maya Viewport Render Region
* Development of a SceneWarp tool, to easily copy similar lighting scenarios
* LightControlManager, a tool for lighting artists to speed up lighting workflow.
* Tools for renderTDs to clean up, and optimize render settings.

TD – Maya and Arnold
* Viewport Region Render
o Designing of UI
o QT and standard Maya UI
o Responsible for:
* combining Maya API with QT API
* displaying and switching AOVs for arnold
* store of rendered images
* comparing images with wipe UI
* animated region render
* menu functionality

* Material ID Manager
o concept and idea
o designing of UI in QT
o functionality of displaying and creation AOVs
o custom AOV creation functionality
o API creation of AOVs