Leveraging OBJ Sequences in Houidini

Atom shows how to use object sequences inside of Houdini, showing how to convert the industry standard OBJ files to a more optimized .BGEO.GZ format using Houdini’s FileCache node. This will offer a much faster and improved viewport performance in playback.

Atom also shows how to remap zero based sequences into the one based system that Houdini uses via the `padzero(1, $F-1)` inline expression in the File node.

You can even extend the sequence beyond it’s intended length. This will allow you to produce animated cycles, by time stretching an OBJ sequence using the TimeWarp node in Houdini.

The last thing covers is how to interpolate time stretched OBJ sequences using the TimeBlend node to create intermediate frames that don’t exist in the original sequence. This can really smooth out slow motion scenes.