If you find yourself creating lots of on-set plans and diagrams for previs or visual effects, or if you are a cinematographer, Cine Designer might be of interest.

Cine Designer is a database of 2D representations of film equipment.

The database will be a wide-range collection of 2D representations of film equipment that you can use to create accurate camera and lighting diagrams in Photoshop.

Brought to us by Matt Workman and his Cinematography Database site, the cinematography planning kit promises bad ass lighting diagrams for modern cinematographers.

Cine Designer has planned release for March 1, 2016, but in the meantime, you can sign up to receive a free starter kit that includes a Camera Tripod, Fresnel Lamp ( Level, Tilt Up, Tilt Down, & Straight Down ), a 4×4 Diffusion Frame and a Female Talent asset.