Look for the Bold in Houdini to See What Has Changed

Alvaro Castaneda from Mix Studios offers a handy tip for finding out what is going on in Side FX Houdini. If you have ever opened one of your older files and wondered what was done with it, or opened up someone else file to pull it apart, there is a way to know what has been changed. Houdini will bold the attributes that have been modified.

This kind of makes it easy to “read” into the file, and see what was done to create it. Ever bold attribute, value, or item will show that it has deviated from the initial default values. A great tip to know!

Alvaro Castaneda has been passing along lots of vids like this one starring what he has learned over the course of his career. Some will be simple, but all of them will prove useful. Check out the Mix Training Channel and stay tuned.