Create Fabulous Fabrics in C4D With Arnold

Concept Developer, Art Director and Designer Jorgen Haland shares with us his techniques for creating what he calls “fabulous fabrics”. Inspired by some of the resources at Poliigon, Jorgen noticed that some of the procedurally based textures, particularly with some fabrics, come with Object ID’s as a pass. Other image-based textures did not.

Object ID’s can be a very helpful pass to have when trying to create realistic materials. Yet they are easier to produce when working with procedural based networks. Wouldn’t it be great if you had the best of both words — Using photographic textures with an object ID pass as well? This is what Haland dives into with this tutorial. “They [object ID maps] add a more convincing look on your fabric, and they are really easy to create your self.” Haland explains. “In Arnold render you can connect these to the coat layer in standard surface (Arnold 5) and I really like the result that gives.”

Jorgen shows how you can use Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop to make your own, and get some pretty nice results when creating fabulous fabrics.