Setting Up an IK Leg With a Foot Roll in Houdini

Bjørn Blaabjerg Sørensen  Shows How To Create a Proper IK Leg Setup, Complete With a Foot Roll

Perhaps Side FX Houdini isn’t the first thing you think of when you think of character rigging. That has been changing with the last couple of releases. More focus has been put on character rigging tools and features that allow users to Auto-Rig characters. The latest releases have also included FEM-based muscle and flesh tools, along with some new skinning methods (biharmonic) — All good things.

Bjorn Blaabjerg Sorensen is CG generalist but my specialization is Rigging and Scripting how has covered the rigging process in many Maya-based tutorials. His latest, however, covers creating an IK leg setup, complete with a foot roll, using Side FX Houdini. “In this video I am demonstrating how to setup an ik leg with foot roll on custom attributes driven with a bit of python for desired effect” Bjorn says. If you’ve never seen how rigging is done in Houdini, watching this you might find a lot of the concepts to be the same.