How to Apply Different Materials Clones with MultiShader

Maxon’s Matt Umney Shows How to Use MultiShader to Apply More than One Material a Cloned Waving Flag in Cinema 4D.

Have you ever wanted a cloned object to use more than one material? —This is entirely possible in Cinema 4D. Maxon’s Matt Umney shows how easy it is, by using the Mograph MultiShader.

Using a standard material, Umney adds in a Multi Shader to its color channel. Then it is just a matter of adding the materials that you want to choose from and changing the mode of the shader to index ratio. Easy!

The Multi Shader is an excellent way to apply many materials to clones in C4D. Check out CyBear’s tutorial that showed how you could use it to build a video wall in C4D, offering some tips on how to line up your textures as you go.