A little while ago, we had a look at DisplayLayerTree, CG Artist Paul Winex’s QT plugin for Maya which adds long missed features and functionality to using layers in Maya.
Recently Paul has updated the DisplayLayerTree to version 1.5 which adds support for renaming objects and also implements a color scheme for object types which can also appear in the sorting routines.
PyQt small plugin for Maya, which implements a hierarchical list to display layers. Plus several user-friendly features
DisplayLayerTree, in actuality, is what the Maya Display Layer Panel should be at the moment, working much more intuitively, and containing features and functionality carried across from years of layer ui/ux that we are already accustom with.
A minor drawback to DisplayLayerTree is that it requires installing PyQT for Maya in order for it to work, and Paul actually has a post covering how to Install PyQt for Maya, Nuke, Houdini (on Windows and Linux) which walks through the process.
Check out the DisplayLayersTree Plugin for Maya here, with a list of the new functionality for DisplayLayerTree v1.5 as well.