Side Effects Software Senior Software Developers Andrew Clinton and Halfdan Invarsson walks us through the new lighting and rendering tools that are found in Houdini 13. Alembic support has spawned a new lighting and rendering workflow in Houdini 13, offering a new data tree view for working with materials and lighting assignments.

In this masterclass, Side Effects Software Senior Software Developers Andrew Clinton and Halfdan Invarsson take you through the new Rendering and Lighting tools found in Houdini 13SideFX Software

The new workflow features the advantage of quality and performance improvements using Mantra while being a completely linear workflow right out of the box.

Andrew Clinton and Halfdan Invarsson offer a look at the differences are between being “screen linear” and “display linear”, noting that the RGB values that are pushed to a monitor are not proportional to the light emitted by the display. In simpler terms, 50% grey on your computer monitor doe snot represent 50% of the photons being emitted to display that pixel.

The Masterclass covers linear workflow in relation to rendering, and linear workflow according to the Houdini 13 Matra renderer. In addition to some insights for the new Data Tree in Houdini 13, here is also a look at the shading components in Houdini 13, subsurface scattering, and Lens Shaders.

Check out the MasterClass for Lighting and Rendering in Houdini 13 here for the complete tutorial, and scene files.