A la lumière du Vent from Adrien Vonne on Vimeo.

My master Thesis film, presented in september 2009

An old man lives in a mountain retreat with a cat automaton, his sole companion. Their daily hours tick by to the rhythm of the changes in the landscape beyond the crests. One morning, the ritual unexpectedly gets jammed.

Un vieil homme vit retiré dans la montagne, avec un chat automate pour unique compagnon. Leur quotidien s’égrène au rythme des variations du paysage au-delà des crêtes. Un matin, ce rituel va s’ébrécher, de manière inattendue

Done with Maya, Photoshop Zbrush and After Effect
Sound and Music by my friend, Mathieu Villien
Watch In HD Full Screen and High Volume 🙂
C&C welcomed !