A cool little breakdown of the Adobe CS5 launch video…

Making of Adobe CS5 – Production Premium from Seagulls Fly on Vimeo.

Making of Adobe’s Production Premium CS5 video – http://www.adobe.com/products/creativesuite/production/

Making of edited by Luciana Fintelmam


Agency: Goodby, Silverstein & Partners
Producer: Yogi Graham
Creative Director: Keith Anderson
Art Director: Alex Lyman
Writers: Tom Carter and Steve Payonzeck

Production: Seagulls Fly

Anderson Gaveta
Igor Maia
Luciana Jordão
Paulo Visgueiro

Director: FlavioMac

Producers: Luciana Jordão and Rafael Elia

Art Director: FlavioMac and Paulo Visgueiro

Concept Artists:
Flavio Hoffe
Paulo Visgueiro
Renan Lima

3D Artists:
Alan Camilo
Fabricio Moraes
Felipe Lobo
Felipe Luis
Fernando Reule
Gabriel D’Orazio
Gustavo Schinner
Raoni Nery

Fernando Reule

Music: Human
Sound Design: Henry Boy