Not sure how Joe Crawford landed on the name MmmmTools, but MmmmTools for Maya is quite useful in a lot of maya tasks. The Rim Light alone is reason enough to download, but MmmmTools has many other features. MmmmTools for Maya highlights include:
- Texture Reloading
- Rim Light
- AutoBackup System
- Optional Capslock Disabling Function
- Automatic Roadkill (UV Mapping Tool) Integration with Maya
- Select Texture Seams Function
- Hotkey Manager – With dynamic hotkeys
- Hotstring Commands
- Autoscripts Folder System – Helps organize userSetup.mel files and scripts
- Open Maya Toolbox Automatic Integration (in 0.4.9)
- Connect multiple edge rings at once
- Slide and insert with smoothing
- Pymel Automatic Integration
- Much more powerful and easy scripting.
- HKLocalTools Automatic Integration via auto download
- Move components based on edge axis and more
MmmmTools is Free Software, distributed under the G.P.L. and you can Download MmmmTools Right here.