Roman Komurka shows how to use particles in After Affects to create 3D text instead of “faking it”… err technically this is still “faking it” – however you could have 3D text in After Effects by following a simple 99 steps and about an hour. There are lots of great things to take away from this tutorial. The process to the end result is not one of them. Sorry if I come of snide on this one again, and I mean no disrespect to the tutorial or the tutorial creator Roman, but if an employee at the shop created 3D text this way he would be fired or demoted to making and getting coffee. – There are seriously other great ways to get 3D text… Even if After Effects is all you can afford, there are plenty of free 3D packages and there are plenty of other solutions that would take seconds not hours. Time is money!


  1. rich

    First, I rather think Adobe should seriously consider vamping their 3D.

    And there are other perspectives on the complexity of the project. I don’t think this tutorial is about the fastest way to make 3D text in AE. If he worked for you he’d have probably finished on his own time and you’d have a reusable AE project for a certain look that could barely be done other ways inside AE. Then you could post it on the web in ways to improve visibility for your business!

    • Thanks for that Rich! You are right on all counts, there are a lot of things to learn and take away from the tutorial for sure -I agree there and the 3D does need to be revamped in AE. I would hope that people would not come away from some tutorials thinking that was the only workflow – again plenty to learn in a tutorial as such, but really doesn’t speak to the practicality of the process.

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