Bran Dougherty-Johnson col­lab­o­rated with Daniel Khin Lay, the VFX-industry vet­eran and writer at VFX­ Sol­dier, to cre­ate this visual essay explain­ing the mis­sion behind the for­ma­tion of ADAPT (Asso­ci­a­tion of Dig­i­tal Artists, Pro­fes­sion­als, & Tech­ni­cians) and the prob­lem of gov­ern­ment sub­si­dies for cor­po­ra­tions in VFX. This film pro­vides a digestible visual overview of the sub­ject in order to raise aware­ness, fund the legal bat­tle and cre­ate enthu­si­asm for the March in March Rally before the 2014 Oscars.

More information at

Script by Daniel Khin Lay and Bran Dougherty-Johnson
Design and Animation by Bran Dougherty-Johnson
Voiceover by Daniel Khin Lay
Music by Hatfarm
Sound Design by Bran Dougherty-Johnson