The C4DZone have posted an update to Matteo Porchedda’s Spline Wrapper plugin for Cinema 4D. With Spline Wrapper, you can basically take any spline in C4D and wrap it around an existing object. Working in realtime, you can experiment and create some interesting effects easily. It is probably something that you will not use very often, but it is pretty cool when you need it.
Spline Wrapper is a Cinema 4D R13/14/15 plugin that creates automatically splines around your objects, very useful to make amazing animation effects
Spline Wrapper 2 is new, taking over for Spline Wrapper 1.0. However, it is unclear as to what has changed and what is new since version 1. No matter – if you are a registered owner of Spline Wrapper version 1, then version 2 is being offered as a free update.
Spline Wrapper will easily create a parametrically wound spline on top of any object in Cinema 4D, while offering you quite a bit of control over most every element of how the spline is “wrapped” around the shape.
This includes parameters such as the number of coils you want the spline to have, the precision of the wrap effect, random deformations, quality, and a host of other parameters. The splines are linked to the objects allowing you to create some neat effects with animation.
Spline Wrapper is a plugin dedicated to spline objects. With this tool you can quickly make some impressive special effects. Wrapping your objects with spline could not be very easier than this. You are able to use Sweep NURBS to create cross linked veins, nets, wrap elements around logos, characters or anything you can imagine.
Spline Wrapper Plugin Availability
Spline Wrapper costs around $16.00 from the and is available for Cinema 4D R13-R15 and runs under both Windows and Mac systems. For more information, check the Spline Wrapper 2 for Cinema 4D page here.