crazytalk animator real time full body puppeteering tutorial

A tutorial for animating full body puppets in real time using the new CrazyTalk Animator application that has been recently released from Reallusion. In terms of what is shown in this tutorial, CrazyTalk seems WAY more responsive and has features that are better suited for this type of animation over Adobe After Effect’s Puppet tool.

CrazyTalk is able to create actors using any photo or illustration, and brings them to life with automatic facial animation and motion. Reallusion also provides a trail version of CrazyTalk, which is interesting to check out, however only for the Windows OS.

Crazy Talk Animator Tutorial – Real time Full Body Puppeteering from CrazyTalk Animator on Vimeo.

“CrazyTalk Animator allows you to easily animate your character in real-time using a number of different customizable methods. Use slow motion animation techniques controlled by your mouse, and modify character animations while they are playing! You will learn how to animate individual body parts as well as full body animations in minutes!”