The Blender Foundation recently made available the Blender 3D 2.57 release which marks the first “stable” release of the Blender 3D 2.5 series. Check out the info for the new Blender 3D 2.57 Release here.

“We name this version “Stable” not only because it’s mostly feature complete, but especially thanks to the 1000s of fixes and feature updates we did since the 2.5 beta versions were published.”

What to Expect

  • Big improvements in stability. Since the last beta almost 500 bugs were fixed.
  • Feature complete – Although some of the 2.5 targets have been postponed, such as multi-window support showing multiple scenes, a full RNA data level dependency graph, or radial menus.
  • Changes – If you’re used to the old Blenders, Blender 2.5 may seem quite different at first. Be prepared to read a bit about this, how to reconfigure things, and learn to use the new built-in 2.5 search functionality!