Maya Scripts, MEL Scripts EVERYWHERE!!! Sometimes it is difficult to manage where all the scripts may be, where they should be sourced and how they should be loaded – wouldn’t it be great if you can load scripts from any folder?? Well, this is where Maya Foundation comes in! Jon Lauridsen Share his Maya Foundation Open Source project, wherewith Maya Foundation it’s easy to configure Autodesk Maya to load scripts from any folder so you can focus on writing code. Sweet! Check out the Maya foundation details here.

“Maya Foundation” is a small tool to make Maya load scripts from any folder. Maya Foundation makes it a tiny bit easier for a small company without a full-time TA to get into scripting. Some places copy scripts around manually and stuff and it just gets ugly real fast. So if you need to get a bunch of Mayas up and running now-now-now then maybe this is helpful.

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