Adintermedia with kindness provides a simple expression for After Effects that allows you to create simple 3D extrusions in After Effects from selected text. There are many many many ways (hacks really) of doing this, this really represents a simple way to make multiple copies of a layer quickly. Check out the project file and the steps for creating this easy 3D extrude expression in After Effects.
3D Extrude Tutorial from adintermedia on Vimeo.
- Create Null (3D Extrude Controller)
- Apply Slider Effect (Extrude Amount)
- Create Text Layer
- Position -> Expression: “value + [0, 0, (index -11) * thisComp.layer(“3D Extrude Controller”).effect(“Extrude Amount”)(“ADBE Slider Control-0001”)]”
- Copy
Alexander Dohr
thanks for embedding my tutorial 🙂 I appreciate it.