Another great look at using the ShapeShifter After eFfects tool for creating some really fantastic animation. Nancy from Mettle demonstrates shape morphs while also exploring some of the features that are available in ShapeShifter for After Effects. Mettle’s ShapeShifter plugin for After Effects represents a true 3D environment using Mettles 3DNAE Mettle’s proprietary, hardware acclelerated, 3D engine making Mettle’s complex 3D operations in After Effects super fast.
Check out the Creating a 3D PixelStorm animation with ShapeShifter for After Effects Tutorial here.
From the tutorial description: “Nancy shows us how to use ShapeShifter AE along with 2D Tools, filters and presets found in After Effects, to create a complex 3D animation. She covers 3D shape morphs and explores many of the features available in Mettle’s ShapeShifter AE. All this, in no time at all”