Greg Gunn has a new script in AEscripts called gg_PuppetTools for After Effects that aids in the rigging of characters that will use the After EFfects Puppet Tool with two core functions – Pins to Nulls which creates Null Objects where After EFfects Puppet Pins are placed, and Loop Precomp which will automate the looping process for animation cycles. Check out the gg_PuppetTools for After Effects Aids in Character Set ups script here.
Greg Gunn notes: This script has 2 core functions. The first, Pins To Nulls, creates and places nulls where AE Puppet Tool pins are located on the selected layer. If you’re a frequent Puppet Tool user you know what a pain in the butt it is to animate with, especially when you have a lot of pins and separate layers of artwork. Hopefully this null workflow makes things a bit easier. The second function, Loop Precomp, does exactly what the name implies. It was designed to automate the process of looping animation cycles. Basically, it time remaps the selected precomp and applies an endless loop expression to it.