In light of a recent post on RoVino creating a preset based on EJ Hassenfratz’s tutorial, EJ Hassenfratz and Sam welker have paralleled and everyone is on track for a unified effort for creating a beveled preset for cinema 4D which they are now providing as a Beta.

Text Edge Fx Preset for Cinema 4D is based on EJ Hassenfratz ( original tutorial which looks at creating unique and interesting bevels for text in Cinema 4D with some fast and easy methods for creating filet cap edges in Cinema 4D’s MoType.

Been a long time comin, but I’m happy to say that I’m really pumped to share with you all a Cinema 4D preset that Sam Welker ( and I have been working on. This is a preset based on my Edge Effects tutorial ( that basically makes it extremely easy to achieve the effect I share in it. Tons of customization on your edge bevels, and there is a ton more features we are going to add to this in the future and I’m very excited about it. But for now, we’re going to share with you the beta version for free for you all to check out, give feedback, and have fun with. Check back for future releases!

Download Text Edge FX beta here: