Claude Vervoort walks through how he created what he calls a “Legofication” process with Softimage using ICE.

This represents a great example of how ICE can be used to create voxel style blocks out of 3D models, and in this case Claude is using instanced geometry of two different styles of bricks.

…Here is an example of how ICE can be used to LEGOify a geometry, In this example, the bricks are actually instanced geometry of 2 kind of bricks: 1×1, 2×1…

They ICE system is using an Array in memory and creating instanced particle from that, which as Claude notes has its drawbacks. This can get very slow in some cases in that this method will execute at the object level in a single thread. In order to circumvent all that, Claude has created a simple C++ node for the computation.

Claude is nice enough to provide the LEGOification with ICE scene file for download which can be found here. [direct link]