KyleMR with a look at using Custom Node Networks or MetaNodes in Maya when rigging to accomplish FK/IK Matching, space switching and animation export.

Although this is more of an overview showing some of the things possible with MetaNodes in a Maya Rigging Pipeline, it does provide a good explanation of how using Custom Nodes in your Maya rigs might make life easier.

…This video gives an overview of how I have started using custom nodes in Maya to achieve robust fk/ik matching and matched space switching, as well as character export and handling modular geometry…

Custom Nodes in Maya or Meta-Nodes will allow you to orginize assests and scripts for a higher level of flexibility when creating rigs. KyleMR references David Hunt’s GDC presentation on metaNodes and modular rigging which you can find here.

1 comment

  1. Brent Tyler

    Nice looking tools!

    I’ve recently come across the concept of meta nodes, and while I believe I understand how they work, I’m not really sure how they are all that useful compared to adding attributes on the nodes themselves, other than for a cleaner look in the node editor. I’m also a bit confused why people are so excited about the .message attribute when adding a string attr would effectively do the same (except it wouldn’t graph in the node editor). Is this all the *magic* I’m missing, or is there more to the custom meta node?

    Other than David Hunt’s GDC Presentation on Modular Procedural Rigging, is there any good examples or documentation you know of?

    P.S. I’m assuming you’re using a script job to update your UI when you select a control?

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