Vidmuze’s Mike Gentilini, Jr. in conjunction with CineFoundry and SuttleFilm have been developing a new VFX library that will be available towards the end of November 2012. All shot on RED Epic Cinema Camera at 4K resolution and up to 120 frames per second, this collection will definitely be a must for any VFX compositor.

I’ve recently shot a 4K VFX library with the RED Epic cinema camera. We shot at 4K resolution at 120fps. The library consists of fireball explosions, dirt charges, water charges, muzzle flashes and fire effects

The details are sparse on the number of clips in actual content that will be available, however, Mike has created a little teaser video using some of the clips from the 4K Damage Pack Visual Effects Library that look fantastic. The 4K clips will include actual shot footage of explosions, dirt charges, recorded muzzle flashes from real guns, fire effects, and fireballs.

There are certainly a few options when it comes to VFX stock Footage, however very few of those come close the the resolution and frame rates that will be in the 4K Damage Pack Visual Effects Library, so I for one am really looking forward to the release!