Tribute to VFX artists by Roger Flambé from THURISTAR

Tribute to VFX artists by Roger Flambé from THURISTAR on Vimeo.

Roger Flambé – freelance animated actor – gives tribute to all VFX artists in the industry

Biography :
Roger started his digital movie career from the bottom of the ladder, like a lot of actors, as an “extra” in crowds. Within crowd simulation software, he appeared as one of the million animated figures in huge Hollywood blockbusters. Bound by the confidentiality agreements he has signed, Roger cannot give more info on which epic movies he played in. If he mentioned THE LORD OF THE RINGS or TROY for example, he would get into some serious legal problems.

M. Flambé however felt he was destined to a larger career in the film industry. On several occasions, he simply tried standing out of the crowd (literally), which was considered as a software bug the only time it was ever noticed by the director. So Roger took the decision to quit crowd simulations and to pursue his career as an independent animated actor.

In 2009, Roger Flambé signs with small Belgian production company THURISTAR.
Soon after, he quickly got his first small role in the very short film FAIR TRADING? (
In 2010, he started production for the more ambitious short 850 METERS ( and in which he got the first leading role of his career. 850 METERS was completed in January 2013 and is now starting its festival career.

Ultimately Roger wants to be the most famous animated actor of all times. But for now, he’s just looking for a job.

Mr. Flambé's staff :
Talent agency : THURISTAR
Career management : Joeri Christiaen
Personal assistant : Perrine Gauthier
Voice coach : Manu Garijo
Music coach : Frederik Segers
Stylist : Andry Rajoelina