An interesting development from its Author Koizumi, who enters another tool for simulating physical rigid bodies in After Effects, this time offering true 3D rigid Body Simulations. Toy Bricks brings Rigid Body Physics, Physical Motion, and 3D constraints to After Effects, advocating itself as a true 3D physical Motion Collision Simulator.

3D is the underlying fundamental difference between Toy Bricks and Newton Physics for After Effects, where Newton 2 interprets 2D physical simulations and Toy Bricks brings 3D RBD simulations to AE.

Toy Bricks simulates physical motion and collision of rigid bodies and constraints in 3D space. It can export (bake) the physical simulation as After Effects keyframes

The types of motion that Toy Bricks offers includes the standard dynamic, key-framed and static behaviors, allowing you parameters for Mass, Friction, Velocity and Damping.

Toy Bricks actually uses the Bullet Physics Library to create 3D Rigid Body Dynamics right in After Effects, allowing you to bake the simulation int After Effects KeyFrames.

Hosting a suite of 3D constraints, Toy Box offers a standard binded and Free Mode with 4 types of constraints including Point2Point, Hinge, Cone Twist, and Gen6Dof, which provides 6 degrees of freedom.

Check out the Toy Bricks 3D physical Motion Collision Simulator in After Effects here, with a peek at the documentation for it here.