Fabrice Piquet releases a retopology script for Maya, froRetopo has been developed by Fabrice for the last two years or so for his own workflows in Maya, and provides a fast and easy retopo with just a single “all in one” tool.
froRetopo is retopolgy script allowing you to create and manipulate geometry over a high-poly mesh by using only one tool
Fabric set a goal to create a super easy retopology tool within Maya that can still leverage Maya’s toolset rather than using an external application for topology creation.
Simply select the high polygon mesh that you wish to retopologize, Use the set up button to create a Maya Live surface, and use Maya’s Create Poly Tool to build your first quad, then use the Quad Tool to build the rest of the topology.
The script is freeware and works with Maya 2011, Maya 2012, Maya 2013 and Maya 2014. To learn more about how the tool works, check the page for the froRetopo script for Maya here. Check out froRetopo Maya retopology script for download here.