Mathias Mohl, creator of many useful tools for mocha and After Effects workflows as well as his tool for using proxy media with CineWare, takes an introductory look at getting started with the new After Effects CC edition and the link between it and Cinema 4D Lite.
You may be wanting to get started with Cinema 4D Lite (which is bundled with After Effects CC). This tutorial is for you!
Mathias demonstrates the workflow for using After Effects CC, CineWare, and Cinema 4D Lite by creating a 3D logo animation that provides a great foundation for understanding the pipeline.
Recently, MamoWorld released the CINEWARE proxy plugin, that was designed to allow you to easily switch between the live pipeline to the rendered proxy files when using AECC and CinemaWare. Check out the tutorial for Getting Started with After Effects CC and CineWare here.