Supplementing the After Effects reveal and write-on methods, Laurence Yates streamlines the workflow with his new tool, QuickDraw.

Allowing you to create and manipulate keyframes for individual After Effects Paint Strokes that have been created with the standard AE Paint tools, Quickdraw makes the animation and timing of the strokes an easy and simple task.

A new and quick way to animate “write-on” reveal mattes in After Effects

QuickDraw is actually a collection of methods for setting and manipulating the animatable properties in the After Effects Paint Strokes. Working both as a plugin or a dock-able panel within After Effects, QuickDraw alows you to draw all your strokes first, and set the animation and timing of those strokes all at once.

QuickDraw is available through AEScripts for $39.99, and has an introductory price of $29.99 until September 14, 2013.

QuickDraw for After Effects Features

  • Equal duration and frequency – one click.
  • Sequencing of existing keyframes (most useful after tweaking preset keyframes), with options for overlap or padding.
  • Staggering of existing keyframes.
  • Keyframes set between IN and OUT points on the Timeline with keyframe spacing proportionate to stroke length.
  • High accuracy stroke length measurement option – default method counts the stroke vertices, the other sums segment lengths.
  • Calculated stroke lengths cached in Stroke name (saves recalculating when experimenting with timings).
  • 2 track matte options – via duplicate layer or alternatively achieved in Effects stack.
  • Set keyframes from playhead position (default is from layer in point).
  • Select strokes in the Timeline or Layer Viewer and animate selected only.
  • Filter strokes by Brush or Eraser type (based on stroke names).