Character Animator Tim Kallok shares a handy Paper Rig for Autodesk Maya, a fully animatable paper prop, allowing to quickly pose, create overlap, offering nice deformations for the NURBS-driven piece of paper.
The rig is a nurbs model driven by softMod deformers, which can be modified through the rigs controls
The tk_paperRig provides much more than simple non linear bend deformers, and here Tim provides an overview for using the rig and walks through all the controls which are pretty straight forward. The tk_paperRig offers a movable and animatable pivot which is essential for animation, and is also a fully scalable rig.
There are some nice controls and features in the paper rig, including a visible influence radius for each control, showing a curve in the viewport for the area of influence as a visual cue for what will be affected by the selected controller.
You can get the paper rig on Tim’s site, where he is offering a download of tk_paperRig for Maya here. Tim notes that the tk_paperRig uses the zooToolbox scripts by Hamish McKenzie, so you will need those to make this work.