In Cinema 4D, the Current State to Object command will allow you to take a deformed state of an object, and use it for the basis of a brand new object. Jamie shows that by creating a spline and making a SweepNURBS object, the resulting shape is using an interpolation of your original spline to create the shape. This can be clearly seen by looking at the points available in the spline and the number of edges in the resulting geometry.

a really simple tip showing how to use the Current State to Object command in Cinema 4D when dealing with interpolated splinesJamie Hamel-Smith

This is due to Cinema 4D’s default set to have the spline as “adaptive”. This mens that more resolution will be given to the areas that need it , and less to the areas that do not require edge density. However, as Jamie brings up, perhaps you want to duplicate the spline, in its interpolated form. That is to say, you need a duplicate of the spline with the number of points that C4D is using to generate the object. This is where the Current State To Object command can be brought in. Be sure to check out Jamie Hamel-Smiths site for more great Cinema 4D tutorials and his five minute tip series.