Side FX Houdini, Break Apart An Object Based on a Modifier’s Position

Softimage switcher, Christian Gotzinger has a look at recreating one of his Softimage tutorials in Side FX Houdini. One time, Christian showed how you can disconnect and displace an object’s polygons in space, based on the position of a null object in the scene.

Here, recreating that effect in Side FX Houdini in two ways. The first looks at using Houdini’s Foreach node. Of course you can also use the VOP node in Houdini to create the same effects, which is the alternate method that is shown.

Christian mentions that he finds Side FX Houdini to be a more elegant solution than Autodesk’s now defunct Softimage, noting that interestingly, Side FX Houdini requires much less messing around with contexts and low level nodes.