This is a variation of a previous Hybrid Forms video (, using the same simulation data but showing regions of active cell growth instead of the internal structures. As cells are born they are highlighted in blue, which gradually fades as each cell ages. Complex patterns emerge in waves across the surface, with adjacent cells tending to accumulate enough food to split at approximately the same time so tending to be roughly synchronized in the times when new cells are born.

The difference between this and the setup for earlier Cellular Forms work (such as is that there are two different cell types in the system, with all the cells being different blends between the extreme cell types. When a new cell is born it get a proportion of the cell type of its parent and a proportion of its neighbors. With only that change you get a lot more complex heterogeneous structures.

Thanks to Max Cooper for permission to use ‘Teotihuacan Part 2’ for the accompanying music.

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