Vladimír Mrkvica Shares 10 Free Bark Textures Complete With Six Maps Each.
I really appreciate when people give back to the community in meaningful ways. Quite often I receive emails from readers informing me of news, animations and other things that I might find interesting. A recent message from Vladimír Mrkvica shared that he and his team have released a tree bark textures pack for free. “during the years, the site Lesterbanks has helped me a lot in my work as a CG artist, which is why I think, it’s time to give something back to the community.” Mrkvica says.
“Our team is currently at work on a student film project. We’ve decided we’ll be sharing all assets, created for this project, for FREE! We’d be happy to see these assets reach as many people as possible so that they can use them to make their own fantastic art.” Mrkvica goes on to say.
The Bark Textures Pack come with 10 textures that have maps for Diffuse, height, roughness, normal, bump, AO. They are 24bit PNG’s 4k and tiled. Get them here.