Image2Plane from AJ Haines will allow you to add an image file, or hundreds of image files into Cinema 4D and creates a material for them, and places them on planes that are resized automatically to the size of the respective image files.

It lets you import a file or folder of files (as many as your com­puter or video card can han­dle) into Cin­ema 4D and puts the image/video(s) into a mate­r­ial and onto a plane resized to the size of the file

One of the great things is that Image2Plane can do this all very quickly, in fact, AJ notes that it can do around 300 files in 10-15 seconds. AJ also provides a look at using his new Image2Plane plugin for Cinema 4D which is below. For more information regarding the Image2Plane Plugin for Cinema 4D, check out AJ’s site here.