Jack Binks updates his J_Ops package for Nuke, adding Nuke 6.1 support and adding J_MergeHDR. Download the J_Ops suite at the Nukipedia page.
J_Ops is a suite of Nuke ops adding the ability to analyse the source image and draw histograms, vectorscopes, parades & waveforms, extending the dSLR raw reader to add support for Nikon & DNG raw files, performing ASC CDL compliant colour corrections via an intuitive onscreen interface, and building high dynamic range radiance maps from series of low dynamic range photographs.
Intro to J_MergeHDR from Jack Binks on Vimeo.
J_Ops consists of:
J_3Way – a ASC CDL compliant GPU accelerated 3 way colour correction tool with intuitive in viewer controls system
J_MergeHDR – a plug-in to assemble high dynamic range radiance maps from a series of low dynamic range photographs. Includes functions to estimate camera response curves, and to align the multiple exposures
J_rawReader – an extension to the Nuke crwReader, adding support for Nikon raw files and Adobe DNG’s, plus access to the underlying DCRaw command line flags.
J_Scopes – a plug-in to analyse your image to draw a variety of histograms, vectorscopes, waveforms and parades.