This is pretty great! –liquidbuddha studios shows off its Toroidal Treasure Chest script for Maya which in some ways is similar to MOgraph Cloners in Cinema 4D. The Toroidal Treasure Chest Script for Maya is a custom effects toolkit “evoluting” toroids, phi-vortex generators, jitterbugging VEs and more. Looks great! For more information on the Toroidal Treasure Chest for Maya check the post and video at liquidbuddha studios who at the moment are working on packaging the core MEL toolset for free distribution.

liquidbuddha studios writes: “Goa walks us through some of the tools in the liquidbuddha “treasure chest” or custom effects toolkit… “evoluting” toroids, phi-vortex generators, jitterbugging VEs and more! It’s a lot to cover, and we honestly only scratched the surface… and speaking of scratches, sorry for the poor audio quality.. this was an in-house spot not intended for public viewing. We’ve kept the technology a secret until now. With the release of THRIVE, we’ve decided to give it away! We know the future is open-source, so we’re working on packaging the core MEL toolset for free distribution. If you’re interested in a pre-release copy, contact us!”