Ryan Hussain shows off his xVBaker Pro scripts for Cinema 4D which allows you to easily convert rigid body dynamic simulations into simple baked key-framed objects that can be exported for use with other 3D applications. Check out the xVBaker Pro Demo.

xVBaker Pro – C4D to Maya from Ryan Hussain on Vimeo.

The xVBaker Pro Plugin for Cinema 4D allows you to easily convert rigid body dynamic simulations into key-framed objects that can be exported for use with other 3D applications.

WHY WOULD I NEED IT? Once objects are baked, they can exist totally independent of any dynamics tags in C4D. Baking eliminates the need to save out large cache data or re-simulate at render time. You can export a baked animation for use in previous versions of C4D or other programs such as Autodesk Maya as demonstrated in the video.

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