Eric Mootz teases some new features of his emFlock2 2.10 for Softimage with a new compound called Dynamic Particle Count. For more information on emFlock2 2.1 for Softimage check out the page at Mootzoid.

emFlock2 for Softimage|XSI’s ICE. It uses the three “classic ground rules of flocking”: Separation will prevent the members from crowding and colliding. Alignment will make each member adapt its heading to the average heading of its visible neighbors. Cohesion will make each member want to go to the average position of its visible neighbors. The plugin consists of an Addon that contains a “DLL” file (Windows) or “so” file (Linux) for the flocking solver node (compiled C++ code for 32 bit and 64 bit versions of Softimage). Additionally, there are many compounds to control the speed and alignment of the particles.