A look at how to set up and use the iXplorer Xtension in Cinema 4D for the Camera Grip Tools system for real-time motion capture for Cinema 4D using a tablet or a phone.

Camera GripTools’ is a real time motion capture plug-in for Maxon CINEMA 4D
Friesland AV has created an extension for Cinema 4D that uses the OSC (open Sound Control) protocol for communication amongst computers and other multimedia devices. This allows you to use a tablet device using a sweet looking interface to control

The Griptools OSC Xtension opens the gates between iOS/Android/Mac/Windows apps on one side and Cinema 4D on the other. The introduction of the smartphone type mobile devices is triggering the birth of a huge amount of apps implementing touch controllable interfaces. But also electronic devices can be designed to send OSC messages. If this data is send trough the network and if the GripTools OSC Xtension can pick it up, it will be available to create motion in the CGI world.